Mike Schaeffer's Blog

December 2, 2014

So far in this series, I’ve taken a basic calculator written in Java and transformed it from a command-oriented procedural design into a more functional style. In some ways, this has made for simpler code: calculator state is better encapsulated in value objects, and explicit control flow structures have been replaced with domain-specific higher order functions. Unfortunately, Java wasn’t designed to be a functional language, so the notation has become progressively more cumbersome and lengthy. 151 lines of idiomatic Java is now 327 lines of inner classes, custom iterators, and inverted control flow patterns. It should be difficult to get this kind of code through a serious Java code review.

Despite this difficulty, there is value in the functional design approach; What we need is a new notation. To show what I mean, this article switches gears and ports the latest version of the calculator from Java to Clojure. This reduces the size of the code from 327 lines down to a more reasonable-for-the-functionality 82. More importantly, the new notation opens up new opportunities for better expressiveness and further optimization. Building on the Clojure port, I’ll ultimately build out a version of the calculator that uses eval for legitimate purposes, and compiles calculator macros and can run them almost as fast as code written directly in Java.

The first step to understanding the Clojure port is to understand how it’s built from source. For the Java versions of the code, I used Apache Maven to automate the build process. Maven provides standard access to dependencies, a standard project directory structure, and a standard set of verbs for building, installing, and running the project. In the Clojure world, the equivalent tool is called Leiningen. It provides the same structure and services for a Clojure project as Maven does for a Java project, including the ability to pull in Maven dependencies. While it’s possible to build Clojure code with Maven, Leiningen is a better choice for new work, largely because it’s more well integrated into the Clojure ecosystem out of the box.

For the RPN calculator project, the project definition file looks like this:

(defproject rpn-calc "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "KSM Partners - RPN Calculator"
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]]
  :repl-options {
                 :host ""
                 :port 53095
  :main rpn-calc.main)

This file contains the same sorts of information as the equivalent POM file for the Java version of the project. (In fact, Leiningen provides way to take a Leiningen project definition file and translate it into an equivalent Maven pom.xml.) Rather than XML, the Leiningen project file is written in an S-expression, and it contains a few additional settings. Notably, the last line is the name of the project’s entry point: the function that gets called when Leiningen runs the project. For this project, rpn-calc.main is a function that ultimately delegates to one of three entry points for the three Clojure versions of the calculator. For this post, the implementation specific entry point looks like this:

(defn main []
  (loop [ state (make-initial-state) ]
    (let [command (parse-command-string (read-command-string state))]
      (if-let [new-state (apply-command state command)]
        (recur new-state)
public void main() throws Exception
    State state = new State();
    while(state != null) {
        System.out.print("> ");
        String cmdLine = System.console().readLine();
        if (cmdLine == null)
        Command cmd = parseCommandString(cmdLine);
        state = cmd.execute(state);

Unwrapping the code, both function definitions include construction of the initial state and then the body of the Read-Eval-Print-Loop. These two lines of code include both elements.

(loop [ state (make-initial-state) ]
    (recur new-state))

The loop form, surrounded by parentheses, is the body of the loop. Any loop iteration variables are defined and initialized within the bracketed form at the beginning of the loop. In this case, a variable state is initialized to hold the value returned by a call to make-initial-state. Within the body of the loop, there can be one or more recur forms that jump back to the beginning of the loop and provide new values for all the iteration variables defined for the loop. This gives a bit more flexibility than Java’s while loop: there can be multiple jumps to the beginning of a loop.

The body of this loop form is entirely composed of a let form. A let form establishes local variable bindings over a block of source code and provides initial values for those variables. If this sounds a lot like a loop form without the looping, that’s exactly what it is.

(let [command (parse-command-string (read-command-string state))]

This code calls read-command-string, passing in the current state and then passes the returned command string into a call to parse-command-string. The result of this two step read process is the Clojure equivalent of a command object, which is modeled as a function from a calculator state to a state.

Digressing a moment, there are several attributes of the Clojure syntax that are worth pointing out. The most important is that, as with most Lisps, parenthesis play a major role in the syntax of the language. Parenthesis (and braces and brackets) delimit all statements and expressions, group statements into logical blocks, delimit function definitions, and serve as the syntax for composite object literals. In contrast, a language like Java uses a combination of semicolons, braces, and parsing grammar to serve the same purposes. This gives Clojure a more homogeneous syntax, but a syntax with fewer rules that’s easier to parse and analyze. Explicit statement delimiters also allow Lisp more freedom to pick symbol names. Symbols in Lisp can include characters (‘-‘, ‘<', '&', etc.) that infix languages can't use for the purpose, because the explicit statement grouping makes it easier to distinguish a symbol from its context. The topic of Lisp syntax is really interesting enough for its own lengthy series of posts and articles. Going back to the Clojure calculator's main loop, the next statement in the loop is yet another binding form. Like loop, this binding form also includes an element of control flow.

(if-let [new-state (apply-command state command)]
   (recur new-state)

It may be easiest to see the meaning of this block of code by paraphrasing it into Java:

State newState = applyCommand(state, command);
if (newState != null)
    return recur(newState);
    return null;

What if-let does is to establish a new local variable and then conditionally pick between two alternative control flow paths based on the value of the new variable. It’s a common pattern within code, so it’s good to have a specific syntax for the purpose. What’s interesting about Clojure, though, is that if the language didn’t have it built in, a programmer working in Clojure could add it with a macro and you couldn’t tell the difference from built-in features. (In fact, the default Clojure implementation of if-let is itself a macro.)

At this point, I’ve covered the basic structure of the Clojure project, as well as the project’s main entry point. Subsequent posts will cover modeling of application state within Clojure, as well as the command parser, and the commands themselves. Once I’ve covered the basic functionality of the calculator, I’ll use that as a starting point to discuss custom syntax for command definitions, and ultimately a compiler for the calculator.

June 1, 2014

In the last installation of this series, we started using Java iterators to decompose the monolithic REPL (read-eval-print-loop) into modular compoments. This let us start decoupling the semantics of the REPL from the mechanisms that it uses to implement read, evaluate, and print. Unfortunately, the last version of rpncalc only modularized the command prompt itself: the ‘R’ in REPL. The evaluator and printer are still tightly bound to the main command loop. In this post I’ll use another kind of custom iterator to further decompose the main loop, breaking out the evaluator and leaving only the printer itself in the loop.

Going back to the original command loop from the stateobject version of rpncalc, the loop traverses two sequences of values in parallel.

state = new State();
while(running) {
    System.out.print("> ");
    String cmdLine = System.console().readLine();
    if (cmdLine == null)
    Command cmd = parseCommandString(cmdLine);
    State initialState = state;
    state = cmd.execute(state);
    lastState = initialState;

Neither of the two sequences this loop traverses are made explicit within the code, both are implicit in the sequence of values taken on by variables managed by the loop. The first sequence the loop traverses is the sequence of commands that the user enters at the console. This sequence manifests in the code as the sequence of values taken on by cmd through each iteration of the loop. The second sequence is similarly implicit: the sequence of states that state takes on through each iteration. Last post, when we added the CommandStateIterator, the key to that refactoring was that we took one of the implicit loop sequences and made it explicitly a sequence witin the code. Having an explicit structure within the code for the sequence of commands provided a place for the loop to invoke the reader that wasn’t in the body of the loop itself.

// Set initial state
State state = new State();
// Loop over all input commands
for(Command cmd : new ConsoleCommandStream()) {
    // Evaluate the command and produce the next state.
    state = cmd.execute(state);
    if (state == null)
    // Print the current state

Looking forward, the next refactoring for the REPL is to make explicit the implicit sequence of result states in the same way we transformed the sequence of input commands. This will let us take our current loop, which loops over input commands, and turn it into a loop over states. The call to evaluate will be pushed into an iterator in the same way that we pushed the reader into an iterator in the last post. This leaves us with a main loop that simply loops over states and prints them out:

for(State state : new CommandStateReduction(new State(), new CommandStream()))

This code is short, but it’s dense: most of the logic is now outside the text of the loop, and within CommandStateReduction and CommandStream. The command stream is the same stream of commands used in the last version of rpncalc. The ‘command state reduction’ stream is the stream that invokes the commands to produce the sequence of states. I’ve given it the name ‘reduction’ because of the way it relates to reduce in funcional programming. To see why, look back at abstract class we’re using to model a command:

abstract class Command
    abstract State execute(State in);

Given a state, applying a command results in a new state, returned from the execute method. A second command can then be applied to the new state giving an even newer state, and there’s no inherent bound on the number of times this can happen. In this way, a sequence of commands applied to an initial state produces a corresponding sequence of output states. The sequence of output states is the sequence of command results that the REPL needs to print for each entered command. Each time a command is executed, the result state needs to be printed and stored for the next command.

The relationship between this and reduction comes from the fact that reduction combines the elements of a sequence into an aggregate result. Reducing + over a list of numbers gives the sum of those numbers. Applying a sequence of commands combines the effects of those commands into a single final result. The initial value that gets passed into the reduction is the initial state. The sequence over which the reduction is applied is the sequence of commands from the console. The combining operator is command application. The most significant difference between this and traditional reduce is that we need more than just the final result, we also need each intermediate result. (This makes our reduction more like Haskell’s scan operator.)

Practically speaking CommandStateReduction is implemented as an Iterable. The constructor takes two arguments: the initial state before any commands are executed, and a sequence of commands to be executed.

class CommandStateReduction implements Iterable<State>
    CommandStateReduction(State initialState, Iterable<Command> cmds)

Note that the only property that the command state reduction requires of the sequence of commands is that it be Iterable and produce Commands. There’s nothing about the signature of the reduction iterator that requires the sequence of commands to be concrete and known ahead of time. This is useful, because our current command source is CommandStream, which lazily produces commands. Both the command stream and the command state reduction are lazily evaluated, and only operate when a caller makes a request. The command stream doesn’t read until the evaluator requests a command, the evaluator doesn’t evaluate until the printer makes a request for a value. Despite the fact that it’s hidden behind a pipeline of iterable object, the REPL still operates as it did before: first it reads, then it evaluates, then it prints, and then it loops back.

As with the command state iterator, most of the logic in command state reduction is handled with a single advanceIfNecessary method. The instance variable state is used to maintain the state between command applications:

private State state = initialState;
private boolean needsAdvance = true;
Iterator<Command> cmdIterator = cmds.iterator();
private void advanceIfNecessary()
    if (!needsAdvance)
    needsAdvance = false;
    if (cmdIterator.hasNext())
        state = cmdIterator.next().execute(state);
        state = null;

Looking back at the code, the Java version of the RPN calculator has come a long way. From heavily procedural origins, we’ve added command pattern based undo logic, switched over to a functional style of implementation, and redesigned our main loop so that it operates via lazy operations on streams of values. We’ve taken a big step in the direction of functional programming. The downside has been in the size of the code. The functional style has many benefits, but it’s not a style that’s idiomatic to Java (at least before Java 8). Our code side has more than doubled from 150 to 320 LOC. In the next few entries of this series, we’ll continue evolving rpncalc, but switch over to Clojure. This will let us continue this line of development without getting buried in the syntax of Java.

March 31, 2014

Sometimes, it’s easy to focus so much on the architecture of a system that the details of its implementation get lost. While it’s true that inattention to architectural concerns can cause a system to fail, it’s also true that poor attention to the details can undermine even the best overall system design. This post covers a few minor details of code structure that I’ve found to be useful in my work:

It’s a small thing, but one of my favorite utility methods is a short way to throw run-time exceptions.

public static void FAIL(String message)
    throw new RuntimeException(message);

Defining this method accomplishes a few useful goals. The first is that (with an import static) it makes it possible to throw a RuntimeException with 22 fewer characters of source text per call site. If you’re writing usefully descriptive error messages (which you should be), this can significantly improve the readability of the code. The text FAIL tends to stand out in source code listings, and bringing the error message closer to the left margin of the source text makes it more obvious. The symbol FAIL is also easy to identify with tools like grep, ack, and M-x occur.

To handle re-throw scenarios, it's also useful to have another definition that lets you specify a cause for the failure.

public static void FAIL(String message, Throwable cause)
    throw new RuntimeException(message, cause);

Related to this is a useful naming convention for loop control variables. Thanks in large part to FORTRAN, and its mathematical heritage, it's very common to use the names i, j, and k for loop control variables. These names aren't very descriptive, but they're short and for small loop bodies, there's usually enough context that a longer name would be superfluous. (If your loop spans pages of text, you should use a more descriptive variable name... but first, you should try to break up your loop into sensible, testable functions.) One technique I've found useful for making loop control variables more obvious (and searchable) without going to fully descriptive variable names is to double up the letters, giving ii, jj, and kk.

These are both small changes, but they both can improve the readability of the code. Try them out and see if you like them. If you disagree that they are improvements, it's easy to switch back.

March 26, 2014

Update 2019-01-17: KSM recently redesigned their website in a way that removes the original blog. Because of this, I've taken some of what I wrote then for KSM and re-hosted it here. Thanks are due both to KSM Technology Partners for allowing me to do this and to the Wayback Machine for retaining the content. All the links below are updated to reflect the articles' new locations.

Sorry for the radio silence, but recently I've been focusing my writing time on the KSM Techology Partners Blog. My writing there is still technical in nature, but it tends to be more heavily focused on the JVM. If you're interested, here are a few of what I consider to be the highlights.

In mid-2013, I started out writing about how to use Runnable to explictly enforce dynamic extent in Java. In a nutshell, this is a way to implement try...with...resources in versions of Java that don't have it built in to the language. I then used the dynamic extent technique to build a ThreadLocal that plays nicely with thread pools. This is useful because thread pools require an understanding of which thread you're running on, which thread pooling techniques can abstract away.

Later in the year, I focused more on Clojure, starting off with a quick bit on the relationship of lexical closures to Java inner classes. I also wrote about a particular kind of stack overflow exception that can happen with lazy sequences. Lazy sequences can nicely remove the need to use recursion while traversing their length, but each time two unrealized lazy sequences are combined, it adds to the recursive depth required to compute the first element. For me, this stack overflow was a difficult error to diagnose, because it seemed so counter-intuitive.

I'm also in the middle of a series of posts that relate the GoF command pattern to functional programming. The posts start off with Java, but will ultimately describe a Clojure implementation that compiles a stack based expression language into optimized Java bytecode. If you'd like to play with the code, it's on github.

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