Mike Schaeffer's Blog

January 2, 2014

Up to now, the calculator’s main command loop has been a straightforward implementation of a REPL, or ‘read-eval-print-loop’. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, REPLs are the traditional means that interactive programming languages use to provide their interactivity. REPL’s provide a command prompt that a user can use to explore and manipulate the programming environment. In this way, a REPL makes it possible to work more quickly than traditional environments that require a program to be recompiled and restarted to test code changes.

While REPLs can become very complex in the details, the core idea is quite simple. As the name implies, REPL’s read a command from the user, evaluate that command, print the result of that evaluation, and loop back to start again. In rpncalc, all four of these steps are clearly evident in the code of the REPL. This is useful for explanatory purposes, but it closely couples the REPL to specific implementations of ‘read’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘print’. For this post, we’ll look into another way to model a REPL in code that offers a way to break this coupling.

The main command loop of rpncalc contains explicit code for each of the steps in an REPL:

// Set initial state
State state = new State();
// Loop until we no longer have a state.
while(state != null) {
    // Print the current state
    // Print a prompt, and read the next command from the user.
    System.out.print("> ");
    String cmdLine = System.console().readLine();
    if (cmdLine == null)
    Command cmd = parseCommandString(cmdLine);
    // Evaluate the command and produce the next state.
    state = cmd.execute(state);

This code is easy to read and explicit in intent, but it totally breaks down if commands can’t be read from the console. In the case of a REPL running on a server, it may be the case that a REPL needs to print and read over a (secured!) network connection. What would be useful is a way to decouple the mechanism for reading command from the loop itself.

In functionally oriented languages, this problem can be addressed by extending the REPL function with function arguments. These function arguments allow different implementations of read and print to be plugged into the same basic loop structure. Default implementations can be provided that connect to the console, with other implementations that might read and print using a network connection, or some other command transport. In Java, a similar effect can be achieved using functional interfaces (aka SAM types) to provide the pluggable alternative implementations. In fact, Java 8’s syntax for anonymous functions will make this approach syntactically convenient. Java also provides ways to achieve this extensiblity via class derivation.

Another way to view this problem can be seen by slightly changing your perspective on the REPL. It may not be completely obvious, but as with many loops, the REPL is iterating over a sequence of values. In the case of the REPL, the sequence is the sequence of commands that the user enters in response to prompts. For each command in the sequence, the REPL updates the current state and advances to the next sequence element. This isn’t as concrete as iterating over an in-memory data structure (and it isn’t necessarily bounded) but the semantics of the iteration are the same. The key to implementing this design is to provide a version of Iterable that implements iteration over a command stream. Given an iterable command stream, the REPL takes on a slightly different character:

// Set initial state
State state = new State();
// Loop over all input commands
for(Command cmd : new ConsoleCommandStream()) {
    // Evaluate the command and produce the next state.
    state = cmd.execute(state);
    if (state == null)
    // Print the current state

Compared to the initial loop implementation, this version is completely detached from the mechanisms used to prompt the user for input and read incoming commands. The termination criteria is also simpler: there isn’t an explicit check for the end of the command stream. The implicit termination check within the foreach loop captures that requirement.

The other component of this implementation is the implementation of the CommandStream. Unfortunately, this is where Java extracts its tax in lines of code for the additional modularity of this design. Like all iterable objects, the console command stream implements the Iterable interface. The iterator itself is defined as an anonymous inner class:

class ConsoleCommandStream implements Iterable<Command>
    public Iterator<Command> iterator()
        return new Iterator<Command> ()

One of the complexities of implementing Java’s Iterator interface is that callers must be able to call hasNext any number of times (zero to n) before each call to next. It’s not possible to assume one and only one call to hasNext for each call to next, despite the fact that the foreach does make that guarantee. Without going into the details, this implies that the actual advance operation can occur within either next or hasNext. While there are several ways to implement this, the approach I like to use is to have a separate method that advances the iterator, but only if it needs to be advanced. (Calls to next put the iterator into ‘requires advance’ state.) The advanceIfNecessary method is where the bulk of the work of the command stream takes place, including prompting the user, and reading and parsing the command.

Command nextCmd = null;
private void advanceIfNecessary()
    if (nextCmd != null)
    System.out.print("> ");
    String cmdLine = System.console().readLine();
    if (cmdLine == null)
    try {
        nextCmd = parseCommandString(cmdLine);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error while parsing command: " + cmdLine, ex);

In this way, Java’s built in support for iteration can be used to break the REPL apart into sub-compoments for handling the stages of command processing. The REPL is still clearly a REPL, but it no longer has explicit dependencies on the means used to acquire input commands. Unfortunately, the REPL still has explicit coupling for command evaluation and printing the result. As it stands now, we could modify the REPL to read commands from a network port, but we couldn’t redirect the output away from the local console. In the next post in the series, we’ll use the idea of reduce from functional programming to break the REPL into a pipeline of iterators. This will bring the rest of the flexibility we need.