Mike Schaeffer's Blog

Articles with tag: blog
August 3, 2018

It's been a long time coming, but I've finally replaced blosxom with a custom CMS I've been writing called Rhinowiki. More than a serious attempt at a CMS, this is mainly a fun little side project to write some Clojure, experiment a bit with JGit, and hopefully make it easier to implement a few of my longer term plans that might have been tricky to do in straight Perl.

Full source in the link above, a high level summary here:

  • Everything is in Clojure.
  • Backend format is Markdown as interpreted by markdown-clj.
  • Source code is highlighted using highlight.js.
  • Markdown rendering is done entirely on the server, with syntax highlighting on the client. (I'm looking into Nashorn to run highlight.js server side too, but don't know if that's possible within my time constraints.)
  • Back end storage is managed using and retrieved via JGit.
  • All requests are served out of memory.
  • There's a hand rolled (and conformant) Atom feed.
  • Also RSS 2.0.
March 26, 2014

Update 2019-01-17: KSM recently redesigned their website in a way that removes the original blog. Because of this, I've taken some of what I wrote then for KSM and re-hosted it here. Thanks are due both to KSM Technology Partners for allowing me to do this and to the Wayback Machine for retaining the content. All the links below are updated to reflect the articles' new locations.

Sorry for the radio silence, but recently I've been focusing my writing time on the KSM Techology Partners Blog. My writing there is still technical in nature, but it tends to be more heavily focused on the JVM. If you're interested, here are a few of what I consider to be the highlights.

In mid-2013, I started out writing about how to use Runnable to explictly enforce dynamic extent in Java. In a nutshell, this is a way to implement try...with...resources in versions of Java that don't have it built in to the language. I then used the dynamic extent technique to build a ThreadLocal that plays nicely with thread pools. This is useful because thread pools require an understanding of which thread you're running on, which thread pooling techniques can abstract away.

Later in the year, I focused more on Clojure, starting off with a quick bit on the relationship of lexical closures to Java inner classes. I also wrote about a particular kind of stack overflow exception that can happen with lazy sequences. Lazy sequences can nicely remove the need to use recursion while traversing their length, but each time two unrealized lazy sequences are combined, it adds to the recursive depth required to compute the first element. For me, this stack overflow was a difficult error to diagnose, because it seemed so counter-intuitive.

I'm also in the middle of a series of posts that relate the GoF command pattern to functional programming. The posts start off with Java, but will ultimately describe a Clojure implementation that compiles a stack based expression language into optimized Java bytecode. If you'd like to play with the code, it's on github.

September 12, 2009

It took long enough, but finally, I've taken the time to set up a better workflow for this blog:

  • The master copy of the blog contents is no longer on the server. It's now on one of my personal machines.
  • I'm managing site history using git . This was a nice idea, but git and blosxom have a fundamental difference of opinion on the importance of file datestamps. blosxom relies on datestamps to assign dates to posts and git deliberately updates datestamps to work with build systems. There are ways to reconcile the two, but it's not worth the time right now.
  • Uploads to the server are done with rsync invoked through a makefile. (ssh's public key authentication makes this blazingly fast and easy.)

Maybe now, I'll finally get around to writing a little more. (Or, I could investigate incorporating Markdown, or the Baseline CSS Framework, or....)

February 14, 2008
  • There was a copy/paste error in the version of ant-up I posted a while ago. It has now been corrected.
  • I ran across Adam Houghton's blog the other day. It looks pretty interesting and there's software to download (which is more than I can say right now). The blog seems to currently focus on Apple/Java/AJAX related content. The iPhone based javadoc viewer looks particularly interesting for those of us not interested in carrying around a library.
  • Also, on a totally different note is Autoblog, a 'professional' blog covering automotive news. It's updated fairly often too.
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