Mike Schaeffer's Blog

June 29, 2011

One typical property of Lisp systems is that they they intern symbols. Roughly speaking, when symbols are interned, two symbols with the same print name will also have the same identity. This design choice has several significant implications elsewhere in the Lisp implementation. It is also one of the places where Clojure differs from Lisp tradition.

In code, the most basic version of the intern algorithm is easy to express:

(define (intern! symbol-name)
   (unless (hash-has? *symbol-table* symbol-name)
      (hash-set! *symbol-table* symbol-name (make-symbol symbol-name)))
   (hash-ref *symbol-table* symbol-name))

This code returns the symbol with the given name in the global symbol table. If there's not already a symbol under that name in the global table, it creates a symbol with that name and stores it in the hash prior to returning it.. This ensures that make-symbol is only called once for each symbol-name, and the symbol stored in *symbol-table* is always the symbol returned for a given name. Any two calls to intern! with the same name are therefore guaranteed to return the exact, same, eq? symbol object. At a vCalc REPL, this looks like so (The fact that both symbols are printed with ##0 implies that they have the same identity.):

user> (intern! "test-symbol")
; ##0 = test-symbol
user> (intern! "test-symbol")
; ##0 = test-symbol

This design has several properties that have historially been useful when implementing a Lisp. First, by sharing the internal representation of symbols with the same print name, interning can reduce memory consumption. A careful programmer can write an implementation of interned symbols that doesn't allocate any memory on the heap unless it sees a new, distinct symbol. Interning also gives a (theoretically) cheaper mechanism for comparing two symbols for equality. Enforcing symbol identity equality for symbol name equality implies that symbol name equality can be reduced to a single machine instruction. In the early days of Lisp, these were very significant advantages. With modern hardware, they are less important. However, the semantics of interned symbols do still differ in important ways.

One example of this is that interned symbols make it easy to provide a global environment 'for free'. To see what I mean by this, here is the vCalc declaration of a symbol:

     lref_t vcell;  // Current Global Variable Binding
} symbol;

Each symbol carries with it three fields that are specific to each symbol, and are created and initialized at the time the symbol is created. Because vcell for the symbol is created at the same time as the symbol, the global variable named by the symbol is created at the same time as the symbol itself. Accessing the value of that global variable is done through a field stored at an offset relative to the beginning of the symbol. These benefits also accrue to property lists, as they can also be stored in a field of a symbol. This is a cheap implementation strategy for global variables and property lists, but it comes at the cost of imposing a tight coupling between two distinct concepts: symbols and the global environment.

The upside of this coupling is that it encourages the use of global symbol attributes (bindings and properties). During interactive programming at a REPL, global bindings turn out to be useful because they make it easy to 'say the name' of the bindings to the environment. For bindingsthat directly map to symbols, the symbol itself is sufficient to name the binding and use it during debugging. Consider this definition:

(define *current-counter-value* 0)

(define (next-counter-value)
   (incr! *current-counter-value*)

This definition of next-counter-value makes it easy to inspect the current counter value. It's stored in a global variable binding, so it can be inspected and modified during debugging using its name: *current-counter-value*. A more modular style of programming would store the current counter value in a binding local to the definition of next-counter-value:

(let ((current-counter-value 0))
  (define (next-counter-value)
    (incr! current-counter-value)

This is 'better' from a stylistic point of view, because it reduces the scope of the binding of current-counter-value entirely to the scope of the next-counter-value function. This eliminates the chance that 'somebody else' will break encapsulation and modify the counter value in a harmful fashion. Unfortunately, 'somebody else' also includes the REPL itself. The 'better' design imposes the cost that it's no longer as easy to inspect or modify the current-counter-value from the REPL. (Doing so requires the ability to inspect or name the local bindings captured in the next-counter-value closure.)

The tight coupling between interned symbols and global variable bindings should not come as a suprise, because interning a symbol necessarily makes the symbol itself global. In a Lisp that interns symbols, the following code fragment creates two distinct local variable bindings, despite the fact that the bindings are named by the same, eq? symbol: local-variable.

(let ((local-variable 0))
   (let ((local-variable 0))

The mismatch between globally interned symbols and local bindings implies that symbols cannot as directly be involved in talking about local bindings. A Common Lisp type declaration is an S-expression that says something about the variable named by a symbol.

(declare (fixnum el))

In contrast, a Clojure type declaration is a reader expression that attaches metadata to the symbol itself:

^String x

The ^ syntax in Clojure gathers up metadata and then applies it using withMeta to the next expression in the input stream. In the case of a type declaration, the metadata gets applied to the symbol naming the binding. This can be done in one of two ways. The first is to destructively update metadata attached to an interned symbol. If Clojure had done this, then each occurrance of symbol metadata would overwrite whatever metadata was there before, and that one copy of the metadata would apply to every occurance of the symbol in the source text. Every variable with the same name would have to have the same type declarations.

Clojure took the other approach, and avoids the problem by not interning symbols. This allows metadata to be bound to a symbol locally. In the Clojure equivalent of the local-variable example, there are two local variables and each are named by two distinct symbols (but with the same name).

(let [local-variable 0]
   (let [local-variable 0]

The flexibility of this approch is useful, but it comes at the cost of losing the ability to store values in the symbols themselves. Global symbol property lists in Lisp have to be modeled using some other means. Global variable bindings are not stored in symbols, but rather in Vars. (This is something that compiled Lisps tend to do anyway.) These changes result in symbols in Clojure becoming slightly 'smaller' than in Lisp, and more well aligned with how they are used in moodern, lexically scoped Lisps. Because there are still global variable bindings availble in the language, the naming benefits of globals are still available for use in the REPL. It's taken a while for me to get there, but the overall effect of un-interned symbols on the design of a Lisp seems generally positive.